Recent comments

  • My Gaming History   11 years 28 weeks ago

    that was also my first game purchase, i got a map poster for it in some nintendo magazine or other, and HAD to get it... i didnt even really know what it was , but the map was so purdy

  • Illusion of Gaia   11 years 28 weeks ago

    The story is terrible but it is the least of the game's problems as I re-read my review over a year later. If you'd like, feel free to submit a "better written" review of Illusion of Gaia and I will publish it.

  • Illusion of Gaia   11 years 28 weeks ago

    That's so funny that you talk about how bad the story and writing is when YOUR writing is much worse. "I’m a bit confused that my friends in college were so enamored with Illusion of Gaia." That's your problem. You are confused and don't understand the depth of the story. Comparing it to secret of mana is like apples and oranges.

  • Suikoden Tierkreis   11 years 28 weeks ago

    Yeah, I play this game 3 days ago and now I fall in love with this.
    I already recruit 108 character and the time to the final battle is in front of me now.

  • Dishonored   11 years 28 weeks ago

    Dishonored lock amazing graffiti
    is this game resale to the store yet?
    Tyler Smith thank you for sharing

  • 2008 Game of the Year Awards   11 years 29 weeks ago

    Spore is not too bad, although it could have been SO MUCH BETTER!!!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks   11 years 29 weeks ago

    Well thats simple. These two games are some of the few that directly carry on from one another. I suggest get her phantom hour glass as then she can play spirit traks later to carry on with the story. if she plays spirit traks first it may ruin parts of hour glass.

    also some parts of spirit traks wont make sence without playing the first game.

  • Fate of the World   11 years 30 weeks ago

    I know there's also an education version of Portal that's available to schools for free.

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 30 weeks ago

    lol greg from what i hear this and p4 are the worst smt games. try out strange journey or something, problem is it's probably really grindy

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 30 weeks ago

    Every game you list as a game you like, sounds like a dumbed down version of P3. I'm sorry if strategy is a little too hard for you buddy, but cry me a fucking river if a game with grinding that I don't know, gives you RANDOM BONUS EXPERIENCE (in multiplied quantity) is tedious then you need to re-look at X's goddamn sphere grid, cause that thing isn't pretty in the slightest.

    You're the most unprofessional reviewer I've ever come across, telling us your life story with the game, rather than focusing on the actual game itself. Reviewing is about being objective, get this personal about a game and you look like a fool. Get over your god damn cynicism and learn to appreciate shit, dumb ****.

    You want a bad game? Play Drake of the 99 Dragons, or Sonic 06, or Superman 64. Bet you'll find those a LOT more entertaining.

  • Jetpack Joyride   11 years 30 weeks ago

    My exact quote was:

    "And while the Jetpack Joyride levels are annoying (who thought that strapping Donkey Kong to a rocket barrel where pressing A for longer than half a second would shoot you straight to a ceiling death was a good idea?)..."

    So a good point to bring up. The biggest difference between the games is what kills you. In DKCR, there is very little room for error, you need to balance Donkey Kong constantly between both the deadly bottom and deadly top of the screen. In Jetpack Joyride, touching the bottom or top of the screen does not kill you (except when there are obstacles specifically there), so the only obstacles to avoid are the ones in front of you. DKCR requires a fine touch on the A button where it is far more lenient in Jetpack Joyride, and I think the physics are handled a bit differently too, if I had to guess. A little more floaty in Joyride.

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 30 weeks ago

    I do not consider a standard fight that consists of 1 to 3 cast animations then an all-in attack to be a "very long time", fights are usually over in less than 1 minute.

    Regarding boss fights, there are very few games that tell you "you need to be at this level to do this boss fight adequately". JRPGs have always had a traditional grind in it, and Persona 3 is probably one in the genre that has less of a grind, even moreso in Persona 4.

  • Jetpack Joyride   11 years 30 weeks ago

    "I get hooked on these little games with simple short term objectives but no real long term goals."

    Didn't you hate on this exact same mechanic used in DKCR's rocket barrel levels?


  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 31 weeks ago

    japanese love this genre and japanese are the target market... it only became popular in the west that's why they made other regional versions... sure it's full of text but the story is the main purpose of the game... i know you hate it and i respect that but you should also know that there are games that really consumes a lot of time and effort to finish... wouldn't it be worth it to have such games be finished and ended with a good ending? i haven't played P3FES and sure would love to, i only played P3P but saying it is bad just because of the main points of the game is stupid... time and patience is what the game requires, if you don't have patience then look for other reviews before buying games like these...

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 31 weeks ago

    Nope, I was referring to those instant kill spells that some enemies have.

  • Okami   11 years 32 weeks ago


  • The Legend of Zelda: The Complete Animated Series   11 years 32 weeks ago

    you have bad taste in everything

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 32 weeks ago

    Persona 3 F.E.S edition is so much better then what the Poster claims it to be.
    Every Shin Megami Tensi game that's ever been released; Persona, Digital Devil Saga, Strange Jounrey, Devil Summoner, Nocturne ; has core game play consistently where you get up to four characters to have out at once that you level/fuse constantly. Which this is almost always the case in JRPG. Argarest of War, Blue Dragon, Pokemon, Disgaea ext..

    One trait that always sticks with SMT games, is the Dark Tone each game seems to have. This of course varies from each game, the Dark tone persona games give off after 1 & 2 just don't seem as severe and is constantly masked by the character for the most part. After all they're school kids (So they some how are more cheerful then afraid and manage to have time to do after school activities and hang our with random friends while also keeping up with their homework regularly)

    I thought however was a neat way to incorporate a system where "Bonds" are made which leads to Free level boots when making a persona that has the same Tarriot Card as one of your friends "bonds" that are established. The greater the bond, the more free levels you get.- This is option, you could literally never do this and instead play arcade games during the day to boost stats. So you have three other people with specific persona that only grow and can never be changed while your character can use up to 127 while change them in battle without losing a turn.

    I thought Tartarus was a great addition, you can run the same levels without ever getting the same one twice so it doesn't feel like your always in the same place. The only levels that didn't change were Boss Floors, and Stair Case Floors. After so many floors new enemies get incorporated while others slowly fade. This gives you an advantage while leveling, you can find leveled monsters that give you the right amount of XP while also choosing specific levels for advantage types depending on which characters you choose to party up with.

    Now SMT games like Nocturne are much darker and give you a feeling of almost hopelessness. With in the first hour the world as you know it has been turned inside out with almost everything on it destroyed and is strongly inhabited by demons. Your exploring the world almost like an old JRPG. Lunar 2 eternal blue complete is a good example. Most of the Lunar series game have you explore in a manner where your freely explore the world and go over areas where you transfer to a Town, Path ext and have to go back to the world to explore more of the game.

    Assuming I explained that enough to make since, you have random encounters that happen at random. You cant see them on the screen before the battle unless they're a Main/Boss Character. The combat system is close to persona (I feel as if its Superior) Your playable character (MC) can consume something called Mantra.

    This will change his stats around so you can increase the power of your higher stats or compensate for your lower stats, as well as his; type/strength/weakness. As you level think of the mantra having its own hidden level. While a mantra is ingested (equipped basically) after the hidden counter gets to X you will learn the skill which is listed on said mantra. How ever there is a limited number of skill slots (10 if I remember correctly) If every slot is full and you learn another skill you must delete one to make room. On top of that you can only get newer skills by learning a previous one from that mantra. So the skills you get won't change depending on your level - the only way to get a very strong skill is by learning the lower levels skills first from that mantra first. After each level, you get to spend one state point on the MC so you can build your character however you want and change the way he plays from battle to battle. This gives his set up alone a monstrous amount of possibilities.

    As for you party members they're demons, you can recruit-level and fuse them. They learn new skills, have random changes that you can let go or stop when the level resulting in an extra stats/skill ext So on the field in battle you have your MC with a mantra to help in a battle as well as three other demons you choose to use with the ability to swamp them out in battle.

    Now either SMT type is amazing in its entirety. If your a real fan of JRPGs in general then you can't lose with persona 3. If they're not really your thing then I could see you playing this and then stopping 30 hours in then pick it back up after a while and continue. Its like Pokemon for adults in a way.

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 32 weeks ago

    to this rant it seems that you paid no attention at all to the story, I found it very interesting and honestly well written. "Who in their right mind decided to build a public school in the middle of the area where that Tower shows up" this sentence is literally the dumbest thing I ever read oyu have no right to complain about a game you know NOTHING about, they didnt say OH LOOK A TOWER IS GONNA CONTROLL ALL THE WORLDS EVIL LETS BUILD A SCHOOL dumbass the school is the tower, due to the experiments that were done their it transformed it into what became tarterus

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 32 weeks ago

    First of FFXIII is an abomination to the series and honestly sucks, why? look up a review so much crap to cover its hard to say. Persona 3 F.E.S was a new thing for me and I never once got bored of the conversation, and I personally enjoyed every aspect about it. Grinding is tedious it always is, and the full moon system was actually pretty genius. On your first play through of the game I felt terrified of what was to come so I felt I actually needed that extra training to make myself anywhere near the bosses level. A game doesn't need to introduce new mechanics if the mechanics are fun and inivative for me they were. The only reason your precious FFXIII needed new mechanics was for true finally fantasy fans like me who couldn't even stomach it. If you have no taste in RPG i.e FFXIII and millions will agree then you have no credibilty as a reviewer and have no right to judge. OH and by the way linear game design...isn't good RPG's are designed around the mechanic of guiding your charecter down a path let me ask you WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT IN FFXIII.

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   11 years 32 weeks ago

    Grind more, Miss. In 73h of gameplay I'm still lvl 66 but I'm already at the 236th floor. Tartarus is not that hard.
    The music does change - just ask Fuuka to "Change BGM" with the square button.

  • Diablo II - History and Gameplay   11 years 32 weeks ago

    Blizzard North created Diablo II, not the creators of World of Warcraft.

    That is a serious insult, being that Blizzard North knew how to create its own original content, whereas the WoW creators ruined Diablo 3 by implementing too many WoW mechanisms to try to dumb the game down.

  • Sleeping Dogs   11 years 33 weeks ago

    After playing the demo with a co-worker of mine from Dish, I noticed that Sleeping Dogs is the most impressive looking out of the Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row games. Those types of games I could play for hours at a time. When I got home last night I did have to add the full game to my Blockbuster@Home queue. Mostly I use Blockbuster to rent video games because I can’t afford the purchase price. I can’t wait to play through the entire game.

  • The Stanley Parable   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Pre-ordering The Raphael Parable right now.

  • The Stanley Parable   11 years 33 weeks ago


    So good.