Dear Esther

I first became aware of Dear Esther on the day it was released, as news passed that it recouped its Indie Fund investment in a mere six hours.  Somehow, I entirely missed word of the game prior to that, but as I read more, I knew I had to play it.  While it will take multiple playthroughs to obtain the game's full experience (due to semi-randomized dialogue), I came away a bit underwhelmed by the game.  I normally eat up intentionally vague/confusing dialogue-based stories, but this story seems a bit more pedestrian than most (even if the vagueness fully makes sense within the story).  But this in no way takes away from the game's other draw; its relentlessly gorgeous handcrafted visuals, with each frame packed in detail.



Dear Esther 01 Landed Ship



Dear Esther 02 Coast Line



Dear Esther 03 Cave Entrance



Dear Esther 04 Waking



Dear Esther 05 Winding Tunnel



Dear Esther 06 Underground River



Dear Esther 07 Rock Formation



Dear Esther 08 Reflective Crystals



Dear Esther 09 Painting Madness



Dear Esther 10 Exit Moon



Dear Esther 11 Night Coast



Dear Esther 12 Paper Ships



Dear Esther 13 Hillside Words



Dear Esther 14 Approaching end